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Tenerife Pro Golf Open 2023

Buenavista Golf

Buenavista Golf
E-38480 Buenavista del Norte Tenerife
19.06.2023 - 21.06.2023
ProAm Date:
Closing date:
22.05.2023 12:00 (noon CET)
Golfclub website:
Prize money:
€ 30,000.00
Contact the tournament office

Co-sanctioned event

This tournament is co-sanctioned with the Alps Tour.

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ProAm Professionals
Tenerife Pro Golf Open 2023

# Player
No category
1 Francisco Cea 
2 Thomas Elissalde 
3 Finn Fleer 
4 Pedro Lencart  
5 Alexandre Liu 
6 Javier Poladura 
7 Felix Schulz 
8 Henry Simpson 
9 Zan Luka Stirn 
10 Gal Patrik Stirn 
11 Timo Vahlenkamp 
12 Antoine Auboin 
13 Ignacio Urriza Fuentes 
After the entry deadline, players above this line will receive a spot in the tournament