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Golfbaan Stippelberg

Stippelberg Open 2025

Golfbaan Stippelberg

Stippelberg Open 2025

Golfbaan Stippelberg

Golfbaan Stippelberg
Hooizak 7, 5761 RZ Bakel, Niederlande
26.08.2025 - 28.08.2025
ProAm Date:
Closing date:
18.08.2025 12:00 (noon CET)
Golfclub website:
Prize money:
€ 30,000.00
Contact the tournament office
powered by Golfbox

Entry list Stippelberg Open 2025

# Player
National Field
1 Player National Field 
2 Player National Field 
3 Player National Field 
4 Player National Field 
5 Player National Field 
6 Player National Field 
7 Player National Field 
8 Player National Field 
9 Player National Field 
10 Player National Field 
11 Player National Field 
12 Player National Field 
13 Player National Field 
14 Player National Field 
15 Player National Field 
16 Player National Field 
17 Player National Field 
18 Player National Field 
19 Player National Field 
20 Player National Field 
21 Player National Field 
22 Player National Field 
23 Player National Field 
24 Player National Field 
25 Player National Field 
26 Player National Field 
27 Player National Field 
28 Player National Field 
29 Player National Field 
30 Player National Field 
Category 1: Winners of Pro Golf Tour Tournaments 2024
31 Koen Kouwenaar 
32 Mike Toorop 
33 Fiorino Clerici 
Category 2: Top 30 of the final Pro Golf Tour Ranking 2024
34 Dario Antonisse 
35 Antoine Pouguet 
36 Marius Cara 
37 Allen John 
38 Michael Wedema 
39 Nicolas Calvet 
40 Kristof Ulenaers 
41 Carl Siemens 
42 Martin Obtmeier 
43 Linus Lang 
44 Hugo Legeay Gaucher 
45 Nicolas Horder 
46 Owen Edwards 
Category 4: Top 5 of the final Pro Golf Tour Ranking 2021-2023 & players within 2024 Challenge Tour Category 1-20 (Members of the Pro Golf Tour season 2023)
47 Clement Guichard 
Category 5: Top 10 of the Qualifying School 2024, QS I & Top 10 of the Qualifying School 2024, QS II
48 Bob Van der Voort 
49 Louis Bonte 
50 Charles Weis 
51 Jaka Babnik 
52 Alexandre d'Aurelle de Paladines 
53 Julien Lebrere 
54 Luca Denk 
55 Yannick Schütz 
56 Sasha Wortelboer 
57 Jenson Whiting 
58 Simon Junk 
Category 6: 12 invitations to be decided by the Pro Golf Tour
59 Player Player 1 
60 Player Player 2 
61 Player Player 3 
62 Player Player 4 
63 Player Player 5 
64 Player Player 6 
65 Player Player 7 
66 Player Player 8 
67 Player Player 9 
68 Player Player 10 
69 Player Player 11 
70 Player Player 12 
Category 7: Players finishing in position 31-65 of the final Pro Golf Tour Ranking 2024
71 Dennis Fuchs 
72 Robin Smiciklas 
73 Leon Breimer 
74 Florian Moosmeier 
75 Alex Hietala 
76 Claude Churchward 
77 Theo Lavergne 
78 Jordan Prutthaweewat 
79 Pedro Lencart  
80 Nils Dobrunz 
81 Michael Weppernig 
82 Lars Buijs 
83 Hugo Amsallem 
84 Mathis Pansart 
85 David Guyot 
86 Mathieu Montagne 
87 Yannick Köhnen 
88 Brandon Dietzel 
89 Galaad Hoarau 
90 Rodi Vlasveld 
91 Mathias Gunzel 
92 Tom Büschges 
93 Niklas Adank 
94 Antoine Bachelier 
95 Pierre Garcia 
Category 8: Players finishing in position 11-30 of the Qualifying School 2024, QS I & Players finishing in position 11-30 of the Qualifying School 2024, QS II
96 Tim Tillmanns 
97 Louis Lardeux 
98 Jules Hacot 
99 Jim Woudenberg 
100 Jakub Hrinda 
101 Mike Saxer 
102 Norick Franke (AM) 
103 Louis Joubin 
104 Martin Farfal 
105 Arnaud Galand 
106 Bosse Lenssen 
107 Justin Deibler 
108 Jakob Baha Nordstrom (AM) 
109 Michel van Zijl 
110 Nico Lang 
111 Maik Süßbier (AM) 
112 Adrian Kaczala 
113 Bill Koch 
114 Richard Sarkozi 
115 Raphael Le Bot 
116 Florian Benner 
117 Faustin Labadie-Destenaves 
118 Alexis André Kasum 
119 Jonathan Jasper Sikora 
120 Oskar Zaborowski 
121 Yannic Oppenheimer 
122 Gautier Brisout de barneville 
123 Vasileios Koumpakis 
124 Nikita van Waesberghe 
125 Ugo Ottogalli 
Category 9: Players finishing in position 66-90 in the final Pro Golf Tour Ranking 2024
126 Dominik Pavoucek 
127 Benedikt Thalmayr 
128 David Benak 
129 Aubin Lacaze 
130 Jan Cafourek 
131 Oliver Csanyi 
132 Lukas Gras 
133 Florian Schweighofer 
134 Sebastian F. Sliwka 
135 Moritz Russling 
136 Paul Schebesta 
137 Jonathan Griffiths  
138 Carl Bertrand 
139 Clément Heurtin 
Category 10: Players finishing in position 31-45 of the Qualifying School 2024, QS I & Players finishing in position 31-45 of the Qualifying School 2024, QS II
140 Maxime Palenik 
141 Quentin Chavaz (AM) 
142 Eldrick Hoppmann 
143 Rasmus Broholt Lind 
144 Mel Lötscher 
145 Rochdi Mekkaoui 
146 Christos Pantazidis 
147 Petr Janik 
148 Liam Bentein (AM) 
149 Jules Lavigne 
150 Sebastian Vida 
151 Christian Hellwig 
152 Sandro Piaget 
No category
153 Sven Cremer 
154 Tomáš Bystřický 
155 Maximilian Grieb 
156 Kevin Schoone 
After the entry deadline, players above this line will receive a spot in the tournament
157 Alexis Tendyck 
158 Maéti Marin 
159 Florian Dinhobl 
160 Thomas Ripert 
161 Pawel Dudzik 
162 Lassi Burman 
163 Aaron Leitmannstetter 
164 Matej Babic 
165 Cristiano Polidoro 
166 Mike Korver 
167 Maxime Goupy 
168 Lukas Jesatko 
169 Jonathan Elter 
170 Yannik Alexander 
171 Tom Colombel 
172 Jan Schubert 
173 Niklas Griffiths 
174 Adam Sangala 
175 Philipp Heinrichs 
176 Hugo Camelo 
177 Gavin de Gelder 
178 Leonardo Montoya  
179 Thomas Dorier 
180 Ron Cedric Reinert 
181 Karl Ableidinger 
182 Adam Kasa 
183 Gal Patrik Stirn 
184 Vasco Alves 
185 Marc-Antoine Tyburn 
186 Zeno Felder 
187 Robin Roussel 
188 Franck Pazienza 
189 Kurt Mayr 
190 Nathan Trey 
191 Christian Schwarz 
192 Valentin Leon 
193 Robin Baudry 
194 Adrien Bernadet 
195 Dyon Lorist 
196 Noe Del Campo 
197 Philip Pammler 
198 Karl Stommel  
199 Alexander Tiemann 
200 Mihailo Dimitrijevic 
201 Michael Vonbank 
202 Matyas Zapletal 
203 Antoine Augustyniak 
204 Roman Rebora 
205 Nathan Cossement 
206 Adrian Meßmer (AM) 
207 Pierre-Jean Pradelle (AM) 
208 Damiano Bergmans (AM) 
209 Mika Schepp (AM) 
210 Cedric Otten (AM) 
211 Frederik Eisenbeis (AM) 
212 Connor Mac Bembenek (AM) 
213 Lauro Merten (AM) 
214 Alexander Michalowski (AM) 
215 Laurenz Schiergen (AM) 
216 Wolfgang Glawe (AM) 
217 Moritz Krug (AM) 
218 Michael Ndri (AM) 
219 Brikke Decoster (AM) 
220 Alexander Lundvall (AM) 
221 Reda Channane (AM) 
222 Alexander Siemers (AM) 
223 John Bürki (AM) 
224 Felix Vollrath (AM) 
225 Christian Schneider (AM)