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Round 1:

After suspension of the play due to high winds play resumed at 3.40 pm.

ProAm Gallery

Starnberg Open 2020

German Finn Fleer and his team won the gross ranking at the ProAm of the Starnberg Open 2020. Congratulations to the professional and the amateurs Maximilian Kauderer, Karl Langwieder and Florian Holike. The 1st net won the team of professional Philipp Mejow - here, in addition to the professional, the amateurs Giuseppe Marullo, Felix Schirl and Harry Keller convinced. The two "Nearest-to-the-Pin" competition went to Max Kauderer and Cornelia Kirchner. Congratulations to all winners, and all professionals and all amateurs a big thanks for playing the Starnberg Open ProAm!
